Ich will doch nur spielen.
Man muß doch, erst recht als Einsteiger, mit seinen Marketing-Aussagen experimentieren, um rauszukriegen welche am besten funktioniert.
Was bei Amazon kein Problem ist, ist bei Apple fast unmöglich.
Wozu gibt´s ein verständliches Formular, wenn man dann doch eine extra-Mail schicken muß?
Hello Mathias,
Thank you for contacting iBookstore Publisher Support.
Once a title had been successfully uploaded to us and is live in the iBookstore, certain changes to the metadata (i.e. book title, subtitle, author name, category and/or book description) need to be requested and made through us. Please provide us with the Apple ID(s) and/or ISBN(s) of the book(s) in question along with the requested metadata changes so we can file a ticket to make the changes for you.
If a book description needs to be updated, please be sure to only include the following tags in the description when necessary:
Line break: <br>
Bold: <b></b>
Italic: <i></i>
A bullet for a bulleted list: •
NOTE: Please do not include any other HTML tags. The HTML tags above are the only HTML tags we will accept in the book description at this time.
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Best Regards,
iBookstore Publisher Support