Books must comply with all terms and conditions explained in the Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks and Copyrights and the Apple Trademark List. Books must not:
- Use the phrase "iBook" to describe the book. iBooks is the trademark for Apple's book reading software, and iBooks Author is the trademark for its electronic book creation software. Books created with Apple's iBooks Author software and/or sold on the iBookstore should be described as a book, ebook, electronic book or interactive book, but not an ""iBook."
- Suggest or infer that Apple is a source or supplier of the textbook, or that Apple endorses any particular representation regarding quality or functionality.
- Appear confusingly similar to an existing Apple product or advertising theme.
- Misspell Apple product names in their title (i.e., GPS for Iphone, iTunz).
- Contain user interfaces that mimic any iPod interface.